Roasted suckling lamb shoulder

Status: Cooked refrigerated.

SKU: V0602158 Category: Tag:

How to prepare the Euroambrosías roast shoulder of lamb?

  • Step 1: Temper the product
  • Step 2: Preheat the oven at 200ºC for 10 minutes. Oven at 200ºC for15 minutes approx.



Refrigerated cooked product

Expiry date

180 days from date of manufacture.

Conservation format

Refrigerated product. Refrigeration from 0º to 4ºC. Once opened, keep refrigerated for a maximum of 3 days.

Presentation format

Each unit has a minimum weight of 500 g.

Sales Format

6 units per tray

Sales format

Tray. (Indivisible package. Complete box)